Nature of Business
Metallic Engineering (F.E.) Pte Ltd engaging in engineering and trading activities, servicing the petrochemical, oil and gas industrial with pipeline fittings and mechanical equipment's.
Metallic Engineering (F.E.) Pte Ltd are also 1 stop "Solution Provider" support for pipeline engineering with service capabilities in after sales support. Specialising in fluid, liquid, gas, chemical and food pipeline technology transfer.
Full range of products and services available via Metallic:
- Product loading/unloading flexible hoses: Stainless steel flexible hose, rubber flexible hose, composite flexible hose, PTFE flexible hose, high pressure hose, hydraulic hose
- Expansion joint/bellow material in stainless steel, rubber, PTFE & fabrics
- LOBP design engineering package for lube, chemical & food blending plant. Total solution provider from basic, detail, design to EPC stage capabilities for marine, industrial, chemical & food plant
- Marine gangway/crane and mooring quick release hook electronic earthing/ground systems customs meter skid system, track mounted gangway & mobile access carts
- Machining & fabrication shop for fitting, adaptor & connector
- Marine Loading Arm (MLA) & TTLA, marine loading system for oil, gas, chemical and LNG complete with automated system 3 - 1 (QRH, MLA & gangway system)
- Fall prevention systems - Multi-modal systems, tanker enclosure systems, large cage safety solution, track mounted gangways, wide folding stairs, standard folding stairs, standard platforms, mobile access carts
- Marine equipment and services - Marine loading arms marine access systems
- Meter skid package solution, ILB, SMB, ABB blending & DDU and drumming package system
- Terminal automation, flow management, filling & warehousing logistics (LOBP design blending package base on green and brown field capabilities)
- Integrated process package systems - Including FEED contracts to major engineering houses
- Electronic earthing & grounding systems
- Pipeline integrity solution cleaning, flushing, commissioning and inspection (supply for equipment: Launcher/receiver, 3 way diverter, tee, piggable hoses, coupler, pigs, signaller, pig locator and sensor for new pipeline installation including start up and commissioning)
- Storage tank equipment - Floating suctions in aluminium, carbon steel and stainless steel
- Swivel joints - Available in carbon steel and 316L stainless steel with a variety of seals to suit all liquid challenges
- Tanker loading arms - Chemical and petroleum (top and bottom loading), lined loading arms, drum loading arms, loading control systems, loading arm heated systems, truck loading, railcar loading platforms, API couplers, marine breakaway system
- On site maintenance, servicing & testing: Loading arm, gangway, hoses